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At home I now have a small collection of books within my field and within my interests. Below you'll find a brief note on the books that I find the best within these fields of interest.

Still working on this page, but I would love to hear from you about suggestions to other great books.


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Introduction to Chemicals from Biomass2008 (1st)Nature provides us with an abundance of chemical potential. Presenting an overview of the use of bioresources in the 21st century, Introduction to Chemicals from Biomass covers resources, chemical composition of biomass, key factors affecting composition, utilization of wastes, extraction technologies, controlled pyrolysis, fermentation, platform molecules, and green chemical technologies for their conversion to valuable chemicals. The text shows how smaller volume chemicals could become bulk chemicals as a result of a greater exploitation of biomass products, making it an important resource for academic and industrial scientists and researchers.

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Danish history

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Fungi.dk - one fungus to rule them all