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Welcome to my brief home page. At the moment you'll find my CV, notes on publications, notes on my small library containing books on biochemistry and links to interesting pages on the web.

Brief about me: I was born and raised on the island of Lolland (Danish island). Later on, after finishing high school, I moved to Copenhagen to start my study on chemistry. Very soon I found out that putting the three letters BIO in front of everything, made my day much more exciting. So, I started studying biochemistry, biotechnology, biomass, biochemical reactions, bioconversion etc. This ended up with a PhD degree in biochemical engineering in 2010.

In 2008 I met the girl that happens to be my wife today. Together, Eva and I now have a small house in the suburb of Copenhagen, and we have a happy boy called Louie (born August 2011) and a happy girl called Liva (born August 2014).

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